Client Stories

Mrs. Ida Issac


Exemplifying true mental strength and determination, Mrs. Ida Issac lost 30kgs in the span of just 4 short months.

Despite her previous attempts at weight loss, including extreme measures like starving herself for days on end and following strict diets like keto, Mrs. Ida saw minimal to no results. These futile efforts only added to her frustration and sense of hopelessness

Weighing short of 130 kgs before joining my program, she grappled with not only the physical burden of excess weight but also the emotional toll it took on her self-esteem. The struggle of not fitting well into clothes and the constant battle with her body image left her feeling defeated.

Mrs. Manju Pillai


Lachu as she dearly calls me, Manju approached me as an acquaintance in 2017 when she was not feeling comfortable due to her ineffective diet regime. Guiding her through effective nutritional measures, we continued bonding over different common interests. Ever since, Manju has proven that even with a schedule as packed as a movie star’s, it is possible to change the course of your health by taking the right steps, with guidance and self-determination.

As of today, Manju stands strong not just as a client but also a well-wisher and a friend for life. Listen to her story to get inspired and to work towards your fitness goals. 

Ms. Ganga


Ganga took up a one month long diet on her own after having troubles with acne, bloating and IBS. But instead of helping in reducing her troubles, it exacerbated her overall health, often making her feel weak. 

After this, she decided to contact me for consulting her on her issues. A month later, her acne troubles were gone and she felt much better – physically and mentally.